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Moringa Tincture

Big 2 ounce dropper


• Ingredients: Organic Moringa + 80 proof vodka

• Shelf Life - 10 years


Potential Health Benefits:


• Moringa contains a range of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agents, such as quercetin, which may help protect cardiovascular health.

• Helps improve digestive health

• Balances hormones and slows the effects of aging

• Balances blood sugar levels, helping fight diabetes

• Rich in Amino Acids. Moringa leaves are rich in amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. 18 types of amino acids are found in them and each of them makes an important contribution to our wellbeing.

•  Protects and nourishes the skin

•  Helps stabilize your mood and protects brain health

•  Helps protect cells from cellular damage

•  Helps fight, viral, and fungal infections

•  Potential cancer fighting benefits

•  Moringa leaves accelerate the repair of the liver cells. The leaves have a high concentration of polyphenols that protect against oxidative damage to the liver and may even reduce it. They increase the protein levels in the liver.


It's great for anyone with nutritional deficiencies because it is known to have:


• 12 times the Vitamin C of oranges

• 10 times the Vitamin A of carrots

• 17 times the Calcium of milk

• 15 times the potassium of bananas

• 9 times the protein of yogurt

• 25 times more iron than spinach


Moringa is even given to children in 3rd world countries who suffer from malnourishment.


Research of western medicine suggests it can potentially cure or prevent about 300 different diseases.






Suggested Adult Dosage:


A standard suggested adult dosage for tinctures is 1 to 2 droppersful two to three times a day.


Two droppersful of tincture to one 8 oz. cup of water or hot tea. You can also take directly under the tongue.


A dropperful equals approximately 30 drops


Age 1 - 4 years - Do not use


Age 4 to 10 - five to ten drops


Age 10 to 15 - ten to fifteen drops


Age 15 to 18 - 15 to 30 drops


Adult dosage - 30 to 60 drops (1 to 2 droppers full)


* This tincture should not be taken while pregnant, nursing, or attempting to get pregnant.


* Dosing for children should always be dropped into boiling tea to remove all traces of alcohol. Allow tea to cool before serving.


* Disclaimer:


- We are not doctors.


- We accept no responsibility for the abuse or misuse of any tincture.


- The dosing instructions are a general guideline. You must do your own research based on height, weight, age, medical condition(s) and any interactions with other pharmaceuticals or herbs being taken.


Frequently Asked Questions


• What is an Herbal Tincture? 🪴


Tinctures are concentrated herbal extracts made by soaking the bark, berries, leaves (dried or fresh), plants, mushrooms, flowers, cones, or roots from one or more plants in alcohol. The alcohol pulls out the medicinal ingredients in the plant parts, concentrating them as a liquid.


• Is an herbal tincture or herbal capsule stronger? 🪴


Tinctures are stronger, because they are more concentrated


• Can I take multiple tinctures at a time? 🪴


Absolutely. We suggest spacing them out. Also, research out if they work together or against each other. A simple google search will tell you.


How much tincture do you use? 🪴


You can use this as a 'General Guideline' however, this does not in anyway replace your need to do your own research. Learn to listen to what your body tells you.


-This statement and this product have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and is not intended to prevent, treat, or cure disease. If you are taking medications, please consult your doctor. You should consult your doctor before taking this or any medication.


🌿 He shall be like a tree Planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, Whose leaf also shall not wither; And whatever he does shall prosper.

Psalm 1:3

Moringa Tincture

  • Kingdom Come Home is not comprised of licensed medical professionals, and therefore, the information provided here is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.


    We strongly advise you to seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Some herbs may interact with prescription or over-the-counter drugs and can adversely affect some medical conditions; therefore, we strongly advise consulting with your physician before starting a new supplement or holistic protocol.


    *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and this information is not intended to diagnose, nor is this product intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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